Tuesday, April 16, 2013

You said you love me.

Do you really?

Did you really?

Have you really?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Must be nice

Must be nice to have something to look forward at the end of everyday.

Must be nice to have someone to talk to at the end of the day.

Must be nice to have someone to laugh and cry with.

Sometimes. I just wish someone was waiting for me somewhere.

Wonder how nice it feels then?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013




Sunday, February 17, 2013

I'll try to be happy myself

<p>Suddenly remembered what someone said which made me started laughing non stop Hahaha. <br>
A: i want buy air con<br>
Me: ????????<br>
A: to put at our house <br>
Me: wahaha<br>
Then we got into a huge fight fts and never spoke again. </p>
<p>A second friend, after a dinner break out decided to over complicate things a few ten plus days later, shutting me out of the friends circle because that person decided to see me as a desperate predator. And hinted that its very difficult to talk to me and doesn't want to talk to me. Fine~ </p>
<p>Another friend Wtf i already so little friends already after many weeks of my concern for an injury that occurred to that friend shut me out. </p>
<p>I saw someone saying they're done with people that don't care.
"because im done caring about people who don't care about me. i spend way too much time making sure everyone else is happy so i drive myself insane because i never have the to make sure im still happy and im done with feeling alone and unwanted every single day. that's why"

I feel like the same.&nbsp; i m just trying to be a good friend and yet i get treated like garbage, like a scavenger </p>
<p>Yeah, you know life just have setbacks for us, its up to us to decide if we want to go against the setbacks or not. maybe they are one of the many setbacks i get so I'll learn how to be a better friend, i hope </u></p>

you know at the end of the day i just want some sushi some tv some books and some laughter for myself. its this simple.

they say you can't please everybody but yet we still try to do that. i wonder why? Maybe its human nature, maybe its fate...

Its sometimes not easy to be happy alone and its sometimes not easy to pretend we're happy.

But I'll try to be happy myself, because its even more difficult to be happy without you.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


review supposedly to come in tomorrow but yeah u know ... work.

okay year i must say. another year over. i don't know ... mixed feelings i guess?

Reconnected with many friends, made new friends and seems like lost almost many friendships new or old in the blink of an eye. no wonder some people say alone is sometimes better. no? seems applicable in my case. 

addiction got worse i think. or should i say bad habit got worse.

 must enrich myself more haha #excusestohavefun; maybe i should really get a kindle lol.
 must try to devote more time to my friends and family #christmasdinner@chums with the soci buddies.
better and happier times ahead with friends. maybe i should do more to maintain a friendship. i thought i did my best but apparently not =( #mustdomorethen
less #foreveralone thinking next year

to a better and grander year ahead. to a nicer and happier year ahead. to a more successful and fruitful year ahead. cheers!! ^^

to a prettier year ahead so i can find a rich husband.wtf. hahah kidding kidding. to a better and more knowledgable year ahead. yay hurray~

Friday, December 21, 2012


apocaplyse and end of the world... so many funny conversations going around today.

(my manager, M called)...

M: Hello, xiaomei ah?? i want to check with you ...

Me: Yeah? U want me to help u isit?? U SEE!!! i know u so well already. 

M: How u know hahaha... 

Me: no need to do already la, end of the world coming. today u sleep tomorrow u wake up everything gone wahaha!!

M: you better pray it will happen then 


A: eh u owe me $$

Me: aiyah, no need to return liao lah end of the world coming. I owe u u owe me don't be so cheap HAHAHAHA

M2 (the other manager): eh tomorrow end of the world right? lend me money?

Me and J: sorry spent all on Saturday already 

hahah wtf      

Thursday, November 01, 2012


and so the story goes ... i was digressing about getting a kindle (touch) and i finally decided to get one and then i saw this: "Kindle touch bites the dust"  =________="""


just because i waited... for a tad too long :(. i dun want to rush and then neglect the kindle, like my brother and i did with our pink psp years ago. and a sony walkman mp3 also (we bought it, he used and abandoned it, then my turn to use after he abandoned it and i lost it. damnit,) but i thought and thought. i have nv stopped reading so i have a higher chance of using it until i die (if i survive for so long lah that it) and then they now only want us to use kindle paperwhite. hai. i want something with jack leh. and kindle paperwhite is only 2gb compared to touch's 4gb. shit and its much more expensive. =( *cries myself to sleep hahahahaha

sometimes i wonder if its the way i live life that is causing me problems or something. sometimes nothing seems to feel right or when i wanted the thing to feel right, its gone. to be truthful, i am not the easiest person to get along with when we first know each other. i am cold and slow to warm up. and when i finally warm up, the other party has like finished exercising and is starting to cool down also.  great. 

is it something wrong with me? sometimes hor, when i go somewhere i don't take notice and turn around and everyone is gone =____________=||| 

 you see, nobody one (ok lah, to be fair got one lady)
you see... here also :(.

ok lah, its 9am i think for the top pic and 9pm for the bottom pic HAHAHAHAHA. way too quiet lah. but ok i can find a seat to eat LOL. 

and here i stood along while the rain was pouring into the lift lobby while waiting for a friend hahaha. i always always wanted to play in the rain. this kinda weather is my fav to go outside also leh heh.
oh now i remember, gotta ask ms yeoh b4 i buy kindle and i forgot the last time. damnit. must remember if not my kindle run away. now i dun feel so depressed anymore. *back to my books then ;)