Friday, July 23, 2004

i'm heRe aG@|n was quite sad @ 1st lor~ cos i hated sch~ and well... guEss u noE all the details liaoz~ i crapz all the shit in in blog last time liaoz~
Then my classmates came... she cheered me up cos she ask me to watch one funny video~ then yeah~ was cheered up a bit~ cos i tout she hated me~ and she wasn't close to me ...... den ok~ sPiRiTs was liFted a bit~ den we got into discussion~ then another classmate of mine ask me accompany her down to buy chocolates... then i obliged, cos in the class was so sian~ and the gay~(tell u abt the gay story later). Then i went down~ found out that the classmate who let me see the funny video was downstairs also~ den with her stead~ her stead was the one i was sorta attracted to ~ then i saw them together~ dePrEsSed~ haiz~,these things always happen to me~ used to it oredi bah~  then the couple went up to class 1st....  den i was sorta of sad~.... then pay for my things den went upstairs... have to finish my woRk cOs i wan to get out of the place faSt~~ then the classmate of mine who cheered me up (lets call her A),  A talked 2 me~ then i tok to her also, courtesy, den we chatted about the work tt we R supposed to do, then my teacher came in, discussion again~ then she left the class, told us our third meeting will be @ 1, then A stead(L) came over,  he told A their grp finish their werk liaoz, then he went to A tok to her abt moVie....den i din wan to care lo... den just do my work there lo, then joke with my another classmate (call him D), D then we tok lo, say abt each other, then came 12~ oh my goD~ i forgot i was supposed to go for some tok~ but i haven finish my work which was due @ 1pm... then A say she also have to go for another talk~ with L... haiz, when i heard tt ~ so sad~ haiz~ but i was kanjionging and sad @ the same time, then bo bian~ bring the question to the tok and do~ luckily my friend help me solve my problem~ if not i think i cant go home today liaoz~
But it turned out to be wrong.... but @ least i got some part right~ heng~~ have to do some corrections here and there, my teammates and A then told me i was the only survivor in the team~ hahaz~ cos they duno wad i'm doing also~ haha~ but got stuck halfway~ ask help from my teacher, she gave me the correct answer but i keep saying the answer was wrong ~ LoL~ she tok to me until she wan to vomit blood liaoz~ haha~ then she say i very blur today~ haiz~
  Wah lao~ i very naggy today~ sorry ah~ 
have to complete my quiz before i go home~ den i did the quiz together with A, but i do all the answers out~ den share with the rest of the class :), i duno if the answers i done was right or wrong ~ but alot of ppl ask me for the answers~ i gave to them also~ haha~ my fren was looking for me when i was sitting in front of him~ so funny~ hahaz~ but was in no mood to laugh~ THEN came the homework, L ask me to help A, haiz~ no choice but have to help~ cos A was my friend also ma~ but i duno~ i told her i go home think abt it 1st~ Then i packed my bag~ den went out of the class~ forgot my hp~ then rush bac to get~
Luckily, my best fren meiru message me~ she also quite sad cos .... (reason dun tell u haha).... then we tok, then i told her i wan to go j8 shop~ alone ma~ she say wan acc me~ i scare bother her~ cos maybe she nt free~ but she say she free... then was so happy~ able to get to see her (i'm not les ah~ happy to see best fren)~!!
Arranged to meet but she say wanna do werk ~ change venue ~ to causeway  ~ we sat down @ mac~ i eat~ cos haven eat lunch~ den my coursemate msg me~ call me sotong~ haiz~ bLur~ den mei ru do html~ i do hw~ i find till my laptop batt gone flat also nothing~ wan to give up~ den say go home den do bah~ we pack up shop arnd causeway~ we found out we so obiang liaoz haha~ duno the new shops tt open @ causeway liao haha~ but now we noe ler kEkE.... we went home~ i wrote crapz haha~ in my homework~ dun care liaoz~ die die la~ haha~ i tell u the gay story in the next post~ cos this too long liaoz
Thanks for reading (mu@cKx)

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