Saturday, August 14, 2004


We strive to live, not die
This was what i saw during on the TeeVee.. i noe i sound absurd... lolx
but yes, it does makes sense... we strive to live even when we say we wanna die, jump off the building and all those silly things... we still strive our best to live on.. even we only have one last breath or is being forced into a corner. I have this silly thinking last time, jump off the building, kill myself and all those lor... but well, i said tt are siLLy ~ hmz...

Best friends encourage publicly and criticise you privately
Yeah~! this is true too... Julz and Mei Ru does that to me... lolx... cos well, i am an attitude person la~ always giving attitude.. hahaz~ soRRy abt tt fRenZ~

well, anymore quotes?? i'll keep digging for em' too ;) luRve ya lotX~

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