Friday, August 06, 2004


ToDay was half terrible, half fun, and well... in total.... i think it was quite an okay day bah....
Well, to start off 1st.. had basic science today, wah lao, so difficult....
almost squeeze dry of my brain juice today... was 75% dead after i finish the presentation which i had to present.

Then came third meeting, i was added into a drawing conversation with my clasmatez. HaHa~ quite fun, considering i was dozing off in class... den drew many thing with my clasmatez, house la rainbow, a bulb which look like a bread toaster (i drew tt); zombie(jia qi),, starhub and all those funny funny pictures haha... cool~ den we started drawing Lion King and Nala... duno why also... draw n draw n draw till 4 pm... then pack up and went home. But den when i reach the gate, it was close, and the mary(the stupid security guard whom we named mary) dun allow us to pass... wth... had to walk one big round to get out of tt stupid sch... iDiOt!! they close all the gates as if terriorists or robbers will be robbing them of the singapore flag (haha).. cRaPz...

then went to meet mei ru, my best fren, cldn;t find julz... tout she went KL liao, but she went her aunt hse... forgot to bring hp... well din meet her today, but 11 Aug.. i believe we'll enjoy ourselves ya?? U roX man~ miss ya lotz...
Then on the train bax to wdl.. i saw jacob(one guy whom i noe during work), he was so surprised... haha ~ was standing beside him but i saw him only @ jurong hahaha~ i'm bLiNd~ haha~ then i called fazli and julz... julz bro msg me nt to call cos she din bring her hp out.. haha bLur ger.. nVm, i'm bLur tOo... hahaz............................. den on e escalator down wdl station, jacob and i chatted fer a while... he ask who i was meeting, i told him my friend.. he tout is bf... naIve and iNnOcEnT huh??!! weLL..... nt reallyz~ he said i was meeting the guy who ask 4 my number in m.... bs onli!! hahaz~ i also bLew up haha~ but no la... den he went play pool i wait for mei ru.
Den called fazli, got thru, he picked up the phone... u noe what he say..."mei ru called me liaoz la idiot!". And wth and all sort of "rough" words... aiyah~ den saw Yao Feng(my sister) haha~ he's act a boy, but i treat him as a ger... haha... he doesn't mind thou... duno why also... kEkE~~!
Den chat wif him fer a while .. he went to meet his fren... i went to MOS wif mei ru and we drank ice milk tea... so niCe, miss MOS lotz too... haha~ i'm a pIg!
den we went to see clothes and bags, things i n mei ru wanted to buy. Den saw yao feng again... he lifted my bag~ i tout it was a ghost hahaha~ but well, haven seen him for quite a while liaoz.. see him is twice in a day haha~ fUnnY huh! keke

Den msg dy.. ask him whether buy WK prezzie liaoz anot... he say haven want me to buy... haiz... so many people owe me money~ i broke liaoz also... how to buy~~~ bh!!!

den walked arnd causeway pt.... shop den mei ru wanted to buy concession tix, but wanted to start dun mon or sun... msg fazli again, nv reply, called him... the first words were..."wad la, idiot!"... u think its funny izzit... calling me idiot....
i noe la... u jc ma, i poly, and RP summore RP=Retarded Poly ritez... u dun have to remind me..... (if u r reading this, i was flaring up just now ok~! i had enough of scoldings and insults for e day liaoz, and there is a limit to one's patience; so i hope u understand)

Den i came online tok to julz hehe.. so fun... u 3 are still my best fren and are still e best and will always remain! @]====
Den we agreed u change liaoz, u are always saying people changed, but can u plz take note also, u CHANGED too~! people change- drastically or only a small change, but we change, yes~ we had only a small change. While u have change drastically, and i also duno what happened, and i hope u will stop scolding me idiot cos i dun need u to remind me i'm an idiot..... people have theirs ups and down... i read tt u commented julz that she's menopausing ~ and ask her to stop it... how do u expect humans to always stay cheerful, or depressed... there'll be fluctuations of moods due to reasons and factors... u canot blame them lor.....
and to julz, mei ru:anything i'll be here :)... and
to fazli: i noe i'm an idiot, so thanX 4 reminding me abt tt~ anyway, u're still considered as my best fren..*wondering if ......*

^oh~! did i tell u i saw adamson with his gf today? haha~

julz: miss ya~ enjoy ur KL trip, dun forget our LV bags haha~ jk onli, be happy daily
mei ru: see ya~ hoPe u're nt feeling sad liaoz, be happy too~
fazli: duno what to say cos u told me to tok to ur hand... which i think i duno how to cos i'm an idiot

blog tmR, if i feel like it... meanwhile, take care, missEs! :) swet dreams,
and a happy national day to ya

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