Thursday, February 03, 2005

1 mth~

YEAH~~ finally.. after 1 mth.. met JULZ~ wahaha~ so happy upon seeing her..
*wide grinz*... arranged to meet @ 6 today, i reached 555, was surprised to see mei ru der.. cos i tot she met julz oredi and went lib liaos.. =) then went library, julz did her hw.. she keep toking to herself.. *wonders* wahaha~ den i went to dig for soccer books.. hehe~~

Then faz joined us... julz was like "u wore jeans" wahahahaha!!!!! okay~ nthing surprising tt faz is wearing jeans now LoLs~...

after julz finished her work we went to makan~ we went mos.. haha~ had a hard time deciding what to eat.. ^troublesome sia^... faz got a brochure abt the calories intake and fat intake and all those things... he started to act our dietian` reminding us abt the calorie intake and all those la..
then he started eating fries himself.. wahaha.. n e hersey pie ^laughs.

Then was toking abt this and tt in BK~ laughing our heads off.. i'm supposed to include this,
We're e single club.. wahaha~ .... was bitching about everything we came across hahaa~
and faz said " i told my friends tt i have 3-down-to-earth friends (us) who likes to fantasize", its not fantasizing la.. wahaha~ then after tt we went to walk arnd causeway, started exchanging bags~ haha~ so funny.. act wanted to change bags and return it on sat~ but no sch liaos.. change for wad (<-- faz was commenting) lOl~!!, then saw riduan (did i spell it correctly?). Then walked arnd joked, laughed, bitch.. haha~ this is best~

Went royal sporting house, faz saw a bag, say wanted to ask his mum.. the person inside e shop, "taufik no.2, mama's boy.." wahahah~ julz was deciding whether to buy e reebok shirt, haha~

^gald everything is back into places now... so happy~ cos b4 tt julz was depressed, din noe how to help her..but its was glad to see her smile now.. hehe~ yeah~ shall mention it again~ the singles club~ hahaha~
cant wait for sat to come.. yeah~ =), blog more tomorrow.. its AMI time =)

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