Tuesday, November 29, 2005

ahaha.... i proclaim i got nice streak plate . . . *laughs* (i said i proclaim hor.)

I wanted to keep the streak plate, but then, got bacteria la..later my mother scold me..haha..

khair and i decided to salute the microbes that were thrown into the biohazardous bIn. *tsk tsk
and talking about laughing... i started laughing for no reason while boarding 111, gaya-mama said she hardly see me smile (really mEh?)

3 more days to holidays . . . muhahahaha

Sg's 4 by 100m team got bronze eh (yay!) UK shyam ran [ my idol u noe :) ]
Indonesia, who was supposed to be 3rd got disqualified cos they dropped the baton,
i felt weird cos we were told that we CAN drop the baton, but it cannot roll to other lane
so being curious . . . i decided to check it out (thou i'm not a runner anymore)


An athlete is disqualified if they drop the baton, run out of lane or receive the baton while outside of their changeover

Dropping the baton: If a team drops the baton they are not disqualified. Whoever had the baton in their hand is allowed to retrieve it and continue with the race. If the baton is dropped during the exchange process then it is the responsibility of the incoming runner to pick it up if they still had hold of it. If they had released it then the outgoing runner should pick it up. If the incoming runner has to pick up then the final exchange must take place in lane and between the tick marks for the team’s zone.

Running out of lane: If an athlete runs out of lane then it may not be the end of the race. If by doing this they have gained an advantage e.g. cut across the inside of a bend then they will be disqualified. If they momentarily run out of lane during the exchange process because they ran too close to their teammate then they will probably not be disqualified unless they impeded another team. If the baton is dropped and lands outside of your lane then the athlete is allowed to run out of lane to retrieve it provided they do not impede another team and that they comply with the points in ‘Dropping the baton’ above.

Receiving the baton outside of the changeover zone: The judges will be looking at the position of the baton and not the athlete’s feet. In other words if, for example, the outgoing runner is right at the end of the exchange zone before they receive the baton and they place a foot outside of the zone before receiving the baton they are not disqualified. They are only disqualified if the baton itself was outside of the zone before exchange was complete – a tricky one to judge – but a plea worth making if a team is disqualified for this infringement.

so where they dropped the baton, i'm not sure, but one thing is, i'm glad i din drop the baton when i was running. memories still stay when our team won 3rd =), i miss sports day! =\

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