Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Man Utd Vs Chelsea

i wanna do smthing different...hehehe...

Sunday, November 06, Old Trafford
Manchester United F.C. Vs Chelsea F.C.

It was Sir Alex's 19th anniversary in charge of Manchester United (19 yrs..he's a great boss)

chelsea went into the match with 40 unbeaten games behind them

Alex (ESPN online commentator was excited) =)

Roy Keane was in the stands, along with Neville, Giggs and Ole (where's heinze)?


Ronaldo tortmented Paulo Ferreira on the flanks

Alan Smith and Paul Scholes done well with crucial tackles and keeping Makelele, Lampard & Essien out

Ronaldo sends a cross into the penalty area, fletcher knocked the ball with his head, the ball floated into the tightest corner of the net GOAL!!!

ManU 1 - 0 Chelsea

Darren Fletcher (31')

Defenders done a great job, Wes Brown with the affro...hehe...the back 4 were tight =); superb thanks to van der sar!! =] point blank shot.

Final Whistle ***

Fans @ OT were celebrating wildly, Man U r back..

Ratings (selected):

Smith - Easily his best midfield performance; tackled ferociously for 90 minutes 9

Scholes - Returned to something like his old form and almost scored first-half cracker 8

Ronaldo - Set up the goal and his direct running caused Chelsea problems 8

Rooney - Played his part in the goal and defended when needed 8

Van der Sar - One excellent save from Lampard and looked solid throughout 8 in the goal and defended well when needed 8

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