Sunday, November 13, 2005


ahhh...v bored ah... (nobody is online)
i'm studying now, the growth curve..since prob 2..
everything relate 2 growth curve *faints*

me? studying? ahahaha...gotta be kidding..okay la..microbiology still can handle..i dun like MT...=( i dread the lessons, dread the topic, dread everything related to it...T_T

gaya mama gone offline redi..but she has been seeing sparks everywhere leh..since i duno when..hahaha she said its love sparks.... ("the look alike nazim in her team during MCB lesson?")

okay la..wan study till 1240am then cheer for england...go eng go!! =)
[mE must study, cos i'm dumb muhaha]

whats with john terry anyway?
"love u sexy, love ur thongs" <--- wah!!! what is this? faints*

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