Sunday, December 31, 2006

31/12/06; Last blog of the year

Muhaha, here i am again, last blog of 2006, a few more hours & we'll all be stepping into 2007.

2006, hm, has been a good and bad year,found out about some dark, dirty little secret, certains things improved and well, things to remember and of course, forget.
Well, things we wouldn't want to remember sld be forgotten, just like the sand writings on the beach, washed away when the sea comes and things to be remembered, write down? hehe

well, every year we alll make new yr resolutions, but as usual, i don't fulfil them but hopefully i would be able to decide where to go frm here by end jan? haha, u noe what i mean. lolx.

Happy New Year to all, have an enjoyable 2007 and may 2006 hold great memories for everyone (and p/s forget the bad stuff *winks)

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