Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Turning Thirty (by Mike Gayle)

had been reading a few books during the CNY period (nothing to do mah~) by Mike Gayle (http://www.mikegayle.co.uk/) with the book titled "Turning Thirty" in particular, it actually brought back memories and made me think about the future (in the friends aspect).

Summary for the book
Unlike most people Matt Beckford is actually looking forward to turning thirty. After struggling through most of his twenties he thinks his career, finances and love life are finally sorted. But when he splits up with his girlfriend, he realises that life has different plans for him. Unable to cope with his future falling apart Matt temporarily moves back to his parents. During his enforced exodus only his old school mates can keep him sane. Friends he hasn't seen since he was nineteen. Back together after a decade apart. But things will never be the same for any of them because when you’re turning thirty nothing’s as simple as it used to be.

One friend of Matt actually passed away and many of his schoolmates had unexpected jobs or whatever it is. It got me thinking, it has been so long that i've seen some friends and i just saw Liwei (kindergarten friend-cum-neighbour-cum-my 1st friend), although we hadnt talk, but it was great seeing her. And kinda got me thinking about my other friends. And to current RP friends, what would we be like when we meet each other the next time (wherever it may be?) ?

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