Sunday, October 14, 2012

graduation (BMT)

graduate loh...!!! BMT that is. didi's BMT graduation ceremony. haih, my little brother finally grown up. but very much proud of him c: *heart swells**

marching in. and trying to spot ming but we all guessed his position wrongly.

light drizzle and the umbrellas came out.

then it stopped and we proceed

 but the dark clouds still loomed above, and they march in with the impending threat of heavy rain.

 interlude, waiting for the re-entry and waiting nervously to see if the rain would come.

re-entrance and their dance.

 this, my beloved and zui ai de meimei :)

damn proud of him when i saw him in the NS uniform. he has grown up. gone were the days where we used to play badminton and soccer at the 202 open court and running at the corridor downstairs. lol, and catching at the playground downstairs hahaha. i still remembered reading a story and then telling them if we catch 100 leaves that have not fallen to the ground that we'll have a wish come true HAHAHAHAHA and we did just that, running after leaves at the playground downstairs LOL and getting pwn-ed cos all three pairs of hand were up, waiting for the leaves to drop onto our hands and it eluded all 6 hands!! lol and we were cursing ourselves for the miss HAHAHAHAHAHA. caught about 30+ leaves and we gave up hahaha. very hard lah 100 leaves and we go chasing like crazed kids hahaha. aih... childhood memories :). although we might have our quarrels and disagreements sometimes, but life wouldn't be the same without you all. i love u all. i really do. i realised that the three of us have really funny childhood stories. HAHAHAHAHA

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