Sunday, December 30, 2012


review supposedly to come in tomorrow but yeah u know ... work.

okay year i must say. another year over. i don't know ... mixed feelings i guess?

Reconnected with many friends, made new friends and seems like lost almost many friendships new or old in the blink of an eye. no wonder some people say alone is sometimes better. no? seems applicable in my case. 

addiction got worse i think. or should i say bad habit got worse.

 must enrich myself more haha #excusestohavefun; maybe i should really get a kindle lol.
 must try to devote more time to my friends and family #christmasdinner@chums with the soci buddies.
better and happier times ahead with friends. maybe i should do more to maintain a friendship. i thought i did my best but apparently not =( #mustdomorethen
less #foreveralone thinking next year

to a better and grander year ahead. to a nicer and happier year ahead. to a more successful and fruitful year ahead. cheers!! ^^

to a prettier year ahead so i can find a rich hahah kidding kidding. to a better and more knowledgable year ahead. yay hurray~

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