Friday, July 30, 2004

z|LL|on ye@rs

think i zillion years nv blog liaoz~ haha~ sld update nOw~
was sick the past 2 days~ can say i burnt my brain liaoz~ haha~ cant understand anything taught and cant process anythings eXcEpT mY fReNz~ Mei Ru, Julz, Faz, whom i was meeting today

today shouted @ two classmates who FoRcEd me to take pictures~ wth~ 1st time i flare up over such little things liao~ hai~ cant control my temper~ so it MY FAULT lor ~ anYwaY~ anYthing that happened is MY faUlt la~ no ChoiCe~ bLamE mE fOr aLL u wan~ cant be b0th3r3d aLre@dy~ maybe i really burnt my brain ~ haha~.... but weLL~ one of them nagged @ me in cLass and the other keep asking me for answer~ bs! so clever still ask me~ then the other one foRced me to eat with her~ she finished her food in 6 mins~ cRazZzZzy man~!!!!! haiz~ she said she was hungry and VERY hungry~ i nv ate lunch or touch anything lor~ she ate 5 packets of biscuits leh~ still hungry~ wth~ really wanted to scold her~ but din wan to ~... dun wish to waste my energy~

then went to some stupid seminar~ den sit there~ i was coughin like heLL~ well~ hope nobody catch my viRus~!! fInIsH sO laTe sUmMoRe~ wth...den went to take the MRT... called Mei Ru, told her abt meeting @ cwp to celebrate Fazli news... becoming PrEsIdEnT of Drama club~ woohoo~ we ate MOS~ long time nv eat liao~ ate fish burger... duno y also LoL...then Julz came~ haha~ so nice~ its was aGes bah... since we 4 ate @ MOS. Julz wanted to eat BK~ we acc her there , eat, joke,chat, tok abt ghost stories~ hahaz~ sCaRy~~ den we walk arnd causeway--> went ladies, den Cold Storage... den went to the shop outside MRT station.

I'm cRaZy....... aLwaYs~ haha~ ya think so bah~ nt suRe also~ gg mango tml~ was telling julz~ i was stress i will spoil their clothes haha~ hope i dun~ kEkE~

cya~ bLog again tmR~ nightz


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