Sunday, July 31, 2005

wah! Biang! so fast.. 1 whole week gone.. haven really enjoyed aftermath of my ut3...
grrr... what to do... guess have tp enjoy it after ut4 and during hols..
this week.. quite bad arh...
have to face the biochem's face, who gave me a B "AT LONG LAST!!"
well not bad la.. considering i really din do much tt day.. hm.. sorry team~

hm.. monday// anatomy changed team.. shall not elaborate more..

tuesday!! applied chem~ i just love helen (tsk*) ; but was super nervous during 3rd meeting.. crazy redi... went for module selection tok.. saw amanda!! i complained to her abt tt biochem bitch; but damn funny was e response when "recombinant dna" module was mention..everyone went "nOoOoOoOoOoOo"..esther was laughing when she saw and heard our reaction

wednesday --free day; went back WDL to find ex teachers and "visit" the new building... cldn't recognise it anymore.. except tt ex-4B was still e same.. no changes for e interior and exterior part..recalled the memories.. still remember where i sat, fun was e days -went pasta eat, faz left early then went home

thursday::: sort of in a sad mood... joe cole tot man u lost, but wasnt e case; sae biochem teacher, tok a lot even in e moody state cos i cldn't afford another lousy grade frm him.. went over to peace clinic to get suntacid -e nurse asked me why i ate it.. obviously its for gastric -_-"

friday** well, sorted out my mood... esther was on leave Julia came over and taught us. oh man~ i just love her.. told us almost everything we need to know during 1st meeting, poWer! hm.... if esther and julia strengths can combine.. we'll have a very very good genetics facil.. well....after class went to adm..pass mei ru her medi.. take care okays?~ then went home.. well.. forgot what i did when i was at home (sTm`)

sat ((( carnival time @ queenstown Pri; saw siling pri sch kids performance - cute.. of cos, my ex pri sch;; then did security for e queue @ haunted hse. wah. worse then duno what.. queue super messy, but managed to get it right after 1hr++?? then after we left got worse again -_-
[[then went to popular to look for pen for mr tan..was thinking of getting him a present when i go to bbq @ his hse (my mum's not v happy with both the bbq(s)..Oh Oh~~wondering how i am to arrive home early..*sighs* cos its e 7th month). Then got caught in e rain.. my leg kena scratched.. knocked my head on e mrt
unlucky week for me i guess *sighs*

hope everything wld be sorted out.. take all bye bye!!

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