Saturday, January 28, 2006

Its 2.49am and i can't sleep not becos i'm tired but jus becos i'm rushing out e lab report . . . i just hate this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

i still haven't got off the distress mode and what happened during the subsequent past few days had heaped more misery and unhappiness, and the funniest thing is, its chinese new year tomorrow...

i think i pulled myself into this distress thing instead of the other way round, a consequence of being overly-concerned, committed and wear a shoe sized too big. I actually have nothing to say now cos it's too messy for me to say anything as this dragged back loooooonnnngg 2 weeks ago (i think~) and things started to coming and i think i took these events pretty much seriously than i normally would just brush them off and laugh it off, oh well, hope things starts to get better

one of the many distresses included e closing of e IG, which i think hit me pretty hard and i wasn't comfortable with what had happened during the meeting (it just s**), whatever ... think i better heed what i read today abt those borned in e yr of rabbits which was do more outdoor sports, do not overwork and some other categories like luck, friends, romance, health, etc . . .

i think i should go deep and dug out all my secrets and reveal them all ... i'm confused anyway and i'm sick and tired of most of the things that happened, i want out!

Happy Chinese New Yr to all
(gong xi fa cai =])
you're my deepest, darkest secret that i never want to reveal

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