Wednesday, April 27, 2005

tilll now i realsed my hse was sooo poor...
i've been looking for a stapler for dun how ling since just now..
can't even find one..
i think i gave my stapler to my brother..oh gosh..
my hse onli have arnd 2 staplers now??! [one's my sis, one's with my bro]
-poor thing....cant even stapler my notes now~

kns!! din hear e alarm rang @ 230am in e morning. wth!!! so pissed off with myself..
ok.. forget it, i noe score anyway.. 2-0 to Milan..[but i 1 2 see kaka, pirlo and thomasson!!]
stupid me .. argh!!!!

wanted to change e skin..but the eminem skin was very very very nicE!
my tag board cant fit iN!!!!!!! not fair.. (*&&^%%$%^%^&*&*)

okay needa do my stuff oredi.. if not i cant complete it this week.. see ya!!

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